案例 > 住宅空间 > 案例详情


珠海  畔山禦海 |三室 | 96㎡ |50万以上 |风格: 轻奢 原木

前言: 項目:畔山禦海D4樣板間

本案位於珠海金灣航空新城,開發商希望通過簡化佈局與優化動線,摒弃傳統家居空間劃分筦道,打造適合在珠海發展的年輕群體所嚮往的簡約舒適現代家居空間; 營造區別於周邊同類產品的同時更多考慮珠海年輕群體的擇房需求以及對生活品質提升的模範空間。

Project: Model Room D4 of Mount Panyu
Category: private house design
Area: 96 ㎡
Designer: Liu Silong
Team: Zhuhai Jiangyi Cultural Creativity Co., Ltd
Location: Zhuhai Binshan Yuhai
Time: 2022
The case is located in Zhuhai Jinwan Aviation New City. The developer hopes to create a simple, comfortable and modern home space suitable for young people in Zhuhai by simplifying the layout and optimizing the moving line, abandoning the traditional household space division pipeline; Create a model space that is different from similar products in the surrounding areas, while giving more consideration to the housing needs of Zhuhai's young people and improving their quality of life.


户型图 轻奢 原木

户型图 轻奢 原木

户型图 轻奢 原木

户型图 轻奢 原木

户型图 轻奢 原木

The floor plan, the living room and the study are connected through to increase continuity and permeability; On the premise of color system I, the guest dining room divides the functional areas by ground pavement.

户型图 轻奢 原木


地板 玄关 门厅柜 轻奢 原木

Proposed project background: The owner is a newly married family, the male is a manager of an entrepreneurial company, and the female is a government employee. She will use her spare time to run an We Media blogger. At the same time, she will consider how to create a semi open living space with complete functions that can be used at home and office in the epidemic era.


沙发墙 地板 艺术品 地毯 客厅 艺术漆 沙发 轻奢 电视墙 电视柜 窗帘 原木

The connection between the living room and the balcony makes the visual sense extend better. French windows are equipped with transparent white gauze. The TV cabinet background is designed in the form of invisible storage cabinet. The built-in wall cabinet on the sofa background wall ensures the storage space and is convenient for cleaning.

沙发墙 绿植 地板 地毯 灯具 客厅 艺术漆 沙发 饰品 轻奢 窗帘 原木

地板 地毯 客厅 轻奢 原木

As the transition of the warm color solid wood floor, the smoke gray carpet harmonizes and unifies the tonality of the overall space, making the modern simple style moderate and soft. The mother and son transparent tea tables are used to place books, desserts, and tea drinks. Another purpose of meeting the daily storage function is to make the whole living room area easy to move and become a yoga or sports function.

地毯 客厅 轻奢 电视墙 电视柜 原木

年輕的思維總會帶來創意,中島吧台可以作為開放式廚房補充操作臺,用餐、品酒、喝茶、或者週末沖煮咖啡,搭配線性感應燈帶以及感應式水龍頭的功能,品質與細節的生活情調則漸露呈現。 白色進口岩板餐桌與玫粉色餐椅形成强烈撞色,更符合現代年輕人對日常生活的情調需求——不僅僅是滿足功能需求也要充滿儀式感的用餐環境。
Young thinking always brings creativity. The Nakajima Bar can be used as a supplementary operating platform for the open kitchen. It can be used for dining, wine tasting, tea drinking, or weekend coffee brewing. It can be matched with the functions of linear response light strips and induction faucets. The quality and details of life will gradually emerge. The white imported rock plate dining table and rose pink dining chair form a strong contrast, which is more in line with the emotional needs of modern young people for daily life - a dining environment full of ritual as well as functional needs.


灯具 置物架 储物隔板 轻奢 瓷砖 橱柜 厨房 嵌入式家电 壁柜 开放式厨房 原木

The color contrast between the large area of white wall tiles and dark cabinets on the kitchen wall once again strengthens the ability of modern style to meet the aesthetic needs of young people while creating a convenient cooking environment.


冰箱 餐椅 餐厅 地板 餐桌 灯具 餐边柜 轻奢 橱柜 原木

餐厅 地板 轻奢 原木

The main color of the living room is composed of white and log colors, which is warm and natural. With the addition of Klein blue sofa stools and decorative pieces, the quiet and peaceful living space reflects the owners' pursuit of breakthrough and aesthetic thinking in peace.


地板 干湿分离 浴室柜 隔断 轻奢 镜柜 原木 卫生间

壁龛 地板 干湿分离 壁挂式马桶 轻奢 瓷砖 原木 卫生间

主浴室實現三分離,以提高浴室空間的實用性和生活質量; 整體微水泥磚與極窄的擋水牆相結合,更容易緩解一天的疲憊,在打掃衛生的同時放鬆身心。
The main bathroom realizes three separation, in order to improve the practicability of the bathroom space and the quality of life; The overall micro cement brick is combined with an extremely narrow water retaining wall, which makes it easier to relieve the tiredness of the day and relax while cleaning up.


地板 地毯 饰品 衣柜 卧室 床头柜 原木 窗帘 飘窗 定制柜 灯具 轻奢 床品

飘窗 定制柜 灯具 轻奢 卧室 窗帘 原木

延續整體的空間調性,主臥滿足大量衣物收納的同時寧靜的休息氛圍更為重要,同時預留了梳粧檯以及遇到同時要處理工作的功能需求; 金屬吊頂和金屬球配飾則顯得靈動特別。
Continuing the overall spatial tonality, it is more important for the master bedroom to meet the requirements of a large number of clothes storage and a quiet rest atmosphere. At the same time, the dresser is reserved and the functional requirements of handling work at the same time are met; Metal ceiling and metal ball accessories are particularly flexible.


实木地板 书房 办公椅 地板 定制柜 灯具 书桌 书架 轻奢 原木

客廳與書房巧妙的利用書櫃作隔斷,書房地板、書桌、收納櫃保持統一原木色,視覺上放大空間,為夫妻二人的閱讀或居家辦公營造更加輕鬆的氛圍。 靈活伸縮的書桌,不使用時還能為書房騰出空間供男主冥想與正在客廳練瑜伽的女主互相陪伴,空間隔而不斷。
The living room and the study are cleverly separated by bookcases. The floor, desk and storage cabinet of the study maintain a uniform log color, which visually enlarges the space and creates a more relaxed atmosphere for the couple to read or work at home. The flexible desk can also make room for the study when not in use for the male master to meditate with the female master who is practicing yoga in the living room.


地板 艺术品 灯具 走廊 饰品 轻奢 原木

Moving to the corridor, the high-grade gray background wall and the brass white porcelain art wall lamp collide to create a unique visual effect. Even if you walk daily, you should also touch thinking and enjoy the beautiful feeling created by art products.



广东省 报价:280-500元/平方米












專注室內建築設計與改造,打破固有思維邏輯,構築光影與情緒,營造當下美學空間; 空間不僅容納身體和衍生故事,且需對話與審視自我; 解决空間的使用功能的同時,探究空間情緒對人的現實意義與潛意識的反思作用。


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