案例 > 住宅空间 > 案例详情


中山  逸俊星园 |四室 | 58㎡ |30~50万 |风格: 混搭 现代简约 原木

前言: 項目:星園疊韻


Project: Xingyuan Yinyun
Category: private house design
Area: 58 ㎡
Designer: Liu Silong
Team: Zhuhai Jiangyi Cultural Creativity Co., Ltd
Location: Zhongshan Yijun Xingyuan
Time: 2021
How to improve the utilization rate of the limited space and create a simple and lively livable space, the use of "space in the air" is particularly critical; There are more than two insufficient space structures on the first floor of the original building with a height of 3.6m. The space embedded in the space is the starting point. Strengthening the interest of space expression is the indispensable interest in young families and the key to regulating emotions.


户型图 混搭 现代简约 原木

户型图 混搭 现代简约 原木

简约 现代 户型图 现代简约 原木

原建築結構為套內58㎡框架結構,業主在選購該物業時著重考慮的是頂層朝南戶型,採光通風極好且與珠海僅一路之隔; 該戶型另一優勢就是毛坯結構有3.4m的層高比常規商品房高出60cm,利用錯落空間的管道把原空間一層有多兩層不够的兩居室蝶變出2+2的四居室。
The original building structure is a 58 ㎡ frame structure. When purchasing the property, the owner focuses on the house type with the top floor facing south, which has excellent daylighting and ventilation and is only one way away from Zhuhai; Another advantage of this house type is that the blank structure has a floor height of 3.4m, which is 60cm higher than the conventional commercial house. The way of scattered space is used to change the two bedrooms with more than two floors in the original space into two + 2 four bedrooms.


简约 现代 玄关 门厅柜 现代简约 玄关柜 原木

餐廳是客廳的延伸,整體的黑白根岩板餐桌緊密貼合,與旁邊手工實木弧型窗框相互呼應,小而精的品質油然而生。 極簡淺灰色餐椅與整體空間基調和諧統一。 餐桌旁邊的是雙面櫃,門廳一側的為鞋櫃和收納補充,背面則是廚房的收納補充以及水吧咖啡機。
The dining room is an extension of the living room. The overall black-and-white root rock plate dining table fits closely with the manual solid wood arc window frame next to it, and the small and fine quality arises spontaneously. The minimalist light gray dining chair is harmonious and unified with the overall space tone. Next to the dining table is the double-sided cabinet. On one side of the hall is the shoe cabinet and storage supplement, and on the back is the storage supplement of the kitchen and the water bar coffee machine.

简约 现代 玄关 现代简约 原木

The balcony and living room abandon the barrier of the traditional glass sliding door and adopt the high-rise aluminum alloy door frame to connect excessively, so as to strengthen the continuity of the space and decorate with a small amount of green plants, making the space full of green and more relaxed at the same time.


简约 现代 客厅 现代简约 电视柜 原木

白色和灰色水性漆面為基礎色調,既把空間的功能區域劃分明確,簡潔舒適也讓空間更能彰顯純粹與質樸。 利用原有37牆體的厚度向內凹進18cm的深度,8mm烤漆鋼板作為嵌入式電視框的同時還加强了原輕質磚牆的穩定性。
White and gray water-based paint are the basic colors, which not only clearly divides the functional areas of the space, but also makes the space more pure and simple. The thickness of the original 37 wall is recessed into the depth of 18cm, and 8mm painted steel plate is used as the embedded TV frame, which also strengthens the stability of the original light brick wall.

简约 现代 客厅 现代简约 原木

At the end of the lobby, the electric stairs are used as the channel to the attic above the restaurant, which can be stored when not in use. The upstairs and downstairs are not affected by each other, which is both linked and independent.

沙发墙 简约 现代 客厅 现代简约 原木

空間以打通貫穿呈現,加上利用層高的視覺差,把原本緊湊小客廳營造出小複式的質感; 灰白的硬裝主色,簡潔明快幹練。
The space is presented through, and the visual difference of floor height is used to create the texture of small duplex in the originally compact small living room; The main color of gray hard clothes is simple, lively and capable.

客厅 混搭 现代简约 原木


冰箱 简约 现代 玻璃移门 油烟机 现代简约 烤箱 橱柜 厨房 嵌入式家电 原木

简约 现代 玻璃移门 灯具 现代简约 橱柜 厨房 嵌入式家电 原木

廚房內原木色環保生態板櫥櫃,使得整體有效統一,幹濕分離明確有效提高操作感受與效率; 牆面整體使用藍鯨陶瓷爵士白連紋中板,既美觀方便清潔視覺又得以增大空間的效果; 預留雙開門智慧冰柜保障了餐廚收納功能。
The log color eco-friendly board cabinet in the kitchen makes the whole effectively unified, the dry and wet separation clear, and effectively improves the operation feeling and efficiency; The whole wall adopts blue whale ceramic Jazz white continuous pattern medium board, which is not only beautiful and convenient to clean, but also can increase the effect of space; The reserved double door smart refrigerator ensures the storage function of the kitchen.


简约 现代 现代简约 淋浴房 原木 卫生间

The dry and wet separation of gray and white toilet helps to keep clean and sanitary, facilitate cleaning, and effectively relieve the pressure of use in the morning and evening. Combined with the washstand on the balcony of the living room, it can meet the functional needs of many people with elderly people and children in the later stage.

简约 现代 干湿分离 镜子 现代简约 镜柜 原木 卫生间


简约 现代 定制柜 床品 现代简约 衣柜 床头柜 卧室 窗帘 原木

简约 现代 定制柜 床品 现代简约 衣柜 床头柜 卧室 窗帘 原木

主臥摒弃了傳統的衣櫃側放的佈局,把衣櫃與帶收納功能床體以及側面的梳粧檯整體定制,使得空間有限的主臥動線更加清晰明確。 滿足常規功能保證優質的睡眠空間,通過智慧窗簾與燈光組合提高小戶型裏的生活品質。
The master bedroom abandons the traditional side layout of the wardrobe, and makes the wardrobe, the bed with storage function and the dressing table on the side as a whole, making the moving line of the master bedroom with limited space clearer and clear. Meet the routine functions, ensure high-quality sleep space, and improve the quality of life in small houses through the combination of intelligent curtains and lights.


书房 简约 现代 现代简约 原木

书房 简约 现代 现代简约 原木

In the early stage, the children's room is used as a supplementary space for the storage of study and clothes. The customized desk fits perfectly with the structure, and the natural light enters through the window, bright and comfortable.

书房 简约 现代 现代简约 原木

The bookcase and wardrobe are integrated into one. The collision of the white door panel of the wooden cabinet is simple and capable. The stairs leading to the attic can be opened and stored. For example, Doraemon hides the toys in the step drawer that every child can easily get.

书房 混搭 现代简约 原木

The reasonable presentation of details is the pursuit of quality.


简约 现代 儿童房 现代简约 原木

書房二樓則是兒童房,圓形鏤空樓梯隔板,邊緣平滑,保護孩子安全的同時新增趣味性。 錯層起臺可滿足兩個成年人睡覺功能。
The second floor of the study is the children's room. The circular hollow stair partition has smooth edges to protect children's safety and increase interest. Staggered floor lifting can meet the sleeping function of two adults.

简约 现代 儿童房 现代简约 原木

When the owner's two little nephews come over on holidays, the small attic of the children's room seems to have become a playground for two children. It has all kinds of functions, such as play, rest, learning, reading and storage.

儿童房 混搭 现代简约 原木

The handmade window at the bedside is not only a way to ensure ventilation and lighting, but also a bridge for children's interest and "communication".


简约 现代 现代简约 原木

简约 现代 现代简约 原木

二樓客臥所有收納空間集中於一面牆,整潔而富有美感; 利用下方餐桌的高差中間下沉30cm,在閣樓保障可以正常坐立的同時下方餐桌天花保證1.8m高度不影響用餐的舒適度。 閣樓作為多功能空間,親戚朋友留宿的時候同時可容納6個成年人睡覺。
All the storage space of the guest bedroom on the second floor is concentrated on one wall, which is neat and full of beauty; Use the height difference of the lower table to sink 30cm in the middle. While the attic can ensure normal sitting and standing, the ceiling of the lower table ensures that the height of 1.8m does not affect the comfort of dining. As a multi-functional space, the attic can accommodate 6 adults to sleep at the same time when relatives and friends stay.

简约 现代 现代简约 原木

Large capacity storage and telescopic desktop, wooden cabinet and white handle less drawer door panel, simple and overall.

简约 现代 现代简约 原木

純手工柚木長虹玻璃手工窗,新增細節度的同時小日子裏的細膩與儀式感伴隨在都市生活裏的每一刻。 在忙碌過後回到家裡的,盡是溫暖與放鬆; 透過閣樓的小窗戶,樓上的孩子與樓下的大人總是有種小時候躲猫猫的童真感,歡聲笑語在一方天地編織成了幸福的生活故事。
Pure handmade teak Changhong glass handmade window increases the degree of detail. At the same time, the delicacy and ritual feeling in small days accompany every moment of urban life. Back home after busy, it's full of warmth and relaxation; Through the small window of the attic, the children upstairs and the adults downstairs always have a childlike sense of hiding when they were young. Laughter and laughter have woven into a happy life story in one world.



广东省 报价:280-500元/平方米












專注室內建築設計與改造,打破固有思維邏輯,構築光影與情緒,營造當下美學空間; 空間不僅容納身體和衍生故事,且需對話與審視自我; 解决空間的使用功能的同時,探究空間情緒對人的現實意義與潛意識的反思作用。


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