一隅方寸間,“家”的明朗和煦已悄然發生,家人的歡聚,質樸的日常,一方舒適的所在,已是足够。 就像《人生果實》影片裏說的,“在這種安心感中度過每一天,比什麼都要美好”。通過空間的營造和家俱的搭配,傳遞一種低調奢華和清新淡然,在都市的繁華與歸隱的閒適找到平衡,讓家永恒承載著溫暖。
Item: One Corner
Category: private house design
Area: 205 ㎡
Designer: Liu Silong
Team: Zhuhai Jiangyi Cultural Creativity Co., Ltd
Location: Zhongshan Sanxiang
Time: 2020
In a small space, the bright and warm "home" has quietly occurred. The family reunion, simple daily life and a comfortable place for one party are enough. As the "Fruit of Life" video said, "It is better to spend every day in this sense of peace than anything else". Through the creation of space and the collocation of furniture, it conveys a kind of low-key luxury and fresh indifference, finds a balance between the prosperity of the city and the leisure of seclusion, and makes the home bear the warmth forever.
Through the construction of space and the collocation of furniture, we can convey a low-key luxury and fresh indifference, find a balance between the prosperity of the city and the leisure of seclusion, and let the home bear the warmth forever.
玄關作為一個家的序章,承載著傳遞初始印象的關鍵。 這裡簡潔明瞭的原木配色,是空間散發雅致靜謐之感。
As a prelude to a home,the porch carries the key to convey the initial impression. The simple and clear log color matching here is the elegant and quiet feeling of the space.
步入客廳,原木色的背景牆透露著自然的氣息,與窗外山湖精緻呼應。 一方的茶室,是現代生活返璞歸真的禪意之所,燃一香,飲一茶,邀三五好友闊談千秋業。
Stepping into the living room,the log colored background wall reveals the breath of nature,which echoes with the exquisite mountains and lakes outside the window. The teahouse on one side is a Zen place for modern life to return to nature. It burns a fragrance,drinks a tea,and invites three or five friends to talk about the future career.
Plush carpet,chic tea table,leather black sofa and artistic decoration make the whole living room simple and comfortable,and make the home full of soothing energy.
Different materials balance the cold and warm space,neat and atmospheric stones and artistic ceiling lamps penetrate into each other as a whole.
As the main axis of the space,the staircase uses high-grade gray marble stone and glass baffle,which is implicit without losing its tone,combined up and down,with a sense of sequence layer by layer,deriving the interest of the space.
The semi open kitchen seems to be independent,but it is connected with the restaurant. While preparing delicious food,it gives more spiritual and verbal communication to the family.
The restaurant presents an open style,promotes emotional communication between people,and carries a variety of possibilities of living space.
二層的休息區,細節所在生活的一角,詮釋了對生活品質的熱愛及追求。 在這小空間,與家人進行情感交流、這其樂融融的場景,也正是屋主欲想的生活狀態。
The rest area on the second floor,where the details are located,explains the love and pursuit of quality of life. In this small space,the happy scene of emotional communication with family members is also the living state that the homeowner wants.
精緻的衛浴三件套,幹濕分離的格局,為起居生活提供大大的便利; 延長的洗漱檯面,既方便屋主拿取洗浴用品,呈現的石材質感也成為了空間中的點綴。
Exquisite bathroom three piece set,the pattern of dry and wet separation,provides great convenience for daily life; The extended wash table is convenient for the owner to take bath supplies,and the stone texture has also become an ornament in the space.
The elderly room with low saturation makes people feel that time is more quiet and far-reaching,and there seems to be a kind of quiet bred by years.
The master room on the second floor is based on the concept of“transforming complexity into simplicity”,creating a place for physical and mental relaxation with the texture of details,abandoning flashy decoration,and allowing simple and elegant design language to describe the feeling of tranquility and freshness.
一層的客房采光良好,弧形的陽臺設計,視野格外開闊,生活品質瞬間提升。 嵌入式的床櫃一體設計,更便於多功能房的使用且新增動線轉折延續。
The guest rooms on the first floor have good daylighting and arc shaped balcony design. The vision is particularly open and the quality of life is instantly improved. The intergrated design of embedded bed cabinet is more convenient for the use of multi functional room and increase the turning continuity of moving line.
Enjoy your leisure when you have nothing to do,and look at the quiet when you have books. If home is our shelter,the study is the habitat of the soul. Reconcile with yourself here,time becomes slow and the world becomes quiet.
