前言: 如果说墙面是画布,那色彩则是颜料,每一笔都带着创意和灵魂用色彩填充空间结构的空白,保持多彩生活美学的同时增加了设计感与仪式感,以不同方式的碰撞或融合,享受色彩带来的活跃与宁静。
△ 浅灰色与淡蓝色形成反差的视觉对比,而黄铜隔板的加入,让整体气质柔和且更加精致。
Light Gray and light blue form contrast visual contrast, and brass clapboard join, let integral temperament downy and more delicate.
△ 电视柜外形简练,线条流畅,柜门拉手为半圆槽结构以呈现光影结合的效果。
The shape of the TV cabinet is simple, the lines are smooth, and the door handle is a semi-circular groove structure to present the effect of combining light and shadow.
△ 大面积的墙面分色使空间更富有层次感,营造出明朗宽敞舒适的家,体现主人的个性与品位。
Large areas of wall color separation makes the space more layered, creating a bright and spacious comfortable home
△ 时钟,无限柱,装饰画等错落有致地陈列其中,细腻的幸福感随着客厅怡人的气息氤氲环绕。
Clocks, infinite columns, decorative paintings are displayed in a patchwork manner, and the delicate sense of happiness is surrounded by the pleasant atmosphere of the living room.
△ 简洁的线条和灰+蓝的配色自由地将复古与现代融为一体,画龙点睛的吊灯则为整个区域平添了一份艺术的魅力。
The simple lines and the gray + blue color combination freely combine retro and modern, while the finishing touch chandelier adds an artistic charm to the entire area.
△ 在天气渐凉的季节里,需要用充满暖意的物品给家里增温,而浓郁的色彩最能带来直观的温暖感受。
In the cool season, need to use warm things to warm up the home, and rich colors can bring the most intuitive feeling of warmth.
△ 清新淡雅的紫色扇形图案,通过和脏粉色的搭配流露出知性素雅的美感。
The fresh and elegant purple fan-shaped pattern reveals the intellectual and elegant beauty through the matching with the dirty pink.
△ 这一生,追逐过彩虹,也要在寻常巷陌,盛开出喧嚣的花。
In this life, after chasing the rainbow, you must also bloom in the alleys, blooming noisy flowers.