项目信息 / 苏州白领生活馆
Project information/Suzhou White Collar Living Hall
设计机构 / 一道设计
Design mechanism/design together
设计主创 / 叶婷
Chief designer/Ye Ting
1. 进门没有空间储藏鞋子,考虑如何增加玄关处的收纳空间,可以满足一家人的换鞋需求?
2. 此处空间过小,考虑与其他区域结合,怎么增加其实用性?
3. 卫生间门过大,空间过小,考虑缩小门洞,如何增加卫生间空间?
4. 此处窗户遮挡光线,考虑拆除,采取更好的方法与阳台结合?
1. 拆除红色区,将厨房门的位置移动,砌出墙体,内嵌到顶鞋帽柜,满足玄关处换鞋功能。
2. 拆除黄色区的窗户,做玻璃砖隔断,既将空间隔开,又保持厨房采光,可以更好的利用空间。
3. 拆除绿色区,扩大卫生间的面积,预留更多空间做干湿分离。
4. 拆除蓝色区,缩小卫生间门,新砌墙体与玄关处对称,中间做艺术挂画,增加空间美感。
5. 拆除橙色区,拆除窗户做移门,增强通风采光,也方便进入阳台。
玄关处做到顶鞋帽柜,其储存量满足了这个温馨的一家三口,白色干净整洁,搭配象牙白色的门套毫无违和感。 Porch place does ark of cap of top shoe, its store stock satisfied this sweet 3 people, white is clean and neat, the door that tie-in ivory is white is covered without violate and move.
The house adopts an open layout, which reduces the physical partition between the Spaces and makes the visual depth more smooth and transparent.
Set the table with bouquets and fruit dishes to fill your home with healthy, natural smells.
The magnetic track light on the top surface can be moved at will to illuminate different objects. The air conditioner return air can be seated inside the cabinet, making it more beautiful.
The stool of tie-in dark green, style is full. This touch of dark green touched the Japanese.
White clapboard and ivory white kick the foot line seamlessly join, go up in same plane, avoid accumulate ash hard clean. The color scheme echoes the whole space.
Clever use of metal ornament space, white carpet gentle and fresh.
A cup of coffee with a magazine, put down the phone to feel the beauty of home.
The grey carpet of Boreal Europe wind holds the coriaceous sofa of black just about, promote the quality feeling of whole space.
In the simple and gentle space, the guest restaurant is the first stop of the writer, reflecting the support of the couple along the way, the whole white and black, with gray. Make each other a close a complementary personality blend, the achievement of a long period of quiet and beautiful life.
Continued the overall space, using ivory + white as the main color, without too much trival decoration, the whole gives people a feeling of plain and quiet, outline a harmonious and quiet kitchen space.
Vitreous brick has the entity of the wall already, have a window again connect fully, more still have pervious to light, sound insulation, fire prevention to wait, it may be said kill many birds with one stone.
On the choice of furniture used gentle gray, the bed that tie-in white is tasted, achieve concise and fashionable and contemporary effect. Background wall is stuck gray mural cloth, vogue added grace.
The addition of Hermes Orange brings warmth and peace of mind to the whole space.
孩子的世界简单又丰富,米白色的床和白色的柜子简洁明快。粉色的王冠靠垫、粉色的窗帘、粉色的小彩虹床品,就像神奇的糖果盒子装着儿时的快乐。 The world of the child is simple and rich, the bed of rice white and white cabinet are concise and lively. Pink crown cushion for leaning on, pink curtain, pink small rainbow bed is tasted, resemble magical candy box is containing childhood happiness.
