With the aesthetic of oriental charm, we blend all the aesthetics into this "scroll". We also borrowed some"autumn colors", to arouse the elegant atmosphere of the living space —— as unforgettable as a surprise.
在空间使用木材筑造原始感的基础上 ,我们把装饰简化以空造实。采用大面积空白之态营造繁简有序的淡泊之意;至简至轻,至淡至泊。所谓身心轻安,不过如此。
On the basis of using wood, we create a sense of primitiveness. we simplified the decoration and made it solid. by using blank space to create a complex, simple and orderly indifferent meaning,simple and light, the so-called peace of mind and body, but so.
客厅作为家中闹与静的重要衔接场所 ,也是一个家的核心精神所在;有天然木色为屏,同时浅木色家具和灰白色布艺相衬托 ,禅意悠然;与此同时简约造型的新中式家具取代传统木质家具的厚重感,营造淡雅氛围。
The living room is an important place to connect the noisy and quiet. it is also the core spirit of a home. natural wood screen, with light wood furniture and off-white fabric, this is zen. at the same time, the new Chinese-style furniture replaces the heaviness of traditional wooden furniture, creating a light and elegant atmosphere.
餐厅开放式的空间通透而明亮,线条分明的灰色皮质餐椅与黑色大理石元素的桌子、方形灯具搭配相得益彰 ,餐厅窗外的景色化成一幅立面的画作;居者随着时光荏苒、四季变换;与家人在此共享窗外自然绿意所带来的美好生活景象
The open restaurant is transparent and bright, there is gray leather。 Dining chairs and black marble tables, the square lamps and lanterns complement each other, and the scenery outside the window turns into a facade painting. everything changes with time and the seasons. we can share with family the beautiful life scenes brought about by the natural greenery outside the window.
开放式的书房顺势而为,与客厅融为一体。当代感的艺术装饰 ,彰显居者的气质与品味。
The open study room takes advantage of the trend and integrates with the living room. contemporary art decoration shows its marvelous taste.
The master bedroom combines oriental beauty with humanistic connotation, to sooth the body and mind with a simple and clean living style, living here without too many trivial matters, we can feel clean and comfortable. The background walls are decorated with Chinese ink paintings. With three-dimensional
The parents' room is neat and simple, elegant and quiet. the painting is taken from the <along the river during the Qingming festival> with a steady artistic atmosphere. The indoor vitality is blooming, the illustration on the cabinet and the hanging lamp, carrying the uniqueness and temperature of the oriental charm.
the children's room contains a softer pink dream. With fashionable& innocent artistic decoration, it seemed to bring Alice's dream to the little master.
