前言: 设计时间/2003年 工程地点/中国宁波外滩花园 工程造价/20万 面 积/150平方米 空间性质/江景豪宅 背负着一天的重荷,回到家,我们需要的是怎样的生活空间?通透、开阔、阳光充裕的居住空间,是生活的天堂,是E时代人们所追求的一种唯美的生活归宿。 Carrying a day's burden and pressure, after coming back home, what kind of living space do we need? Ventilated, sunny, and spacious living environment is the heaven! It's the perfect life the people living in E-Century have been looking for
白色的顶、白色的墙、白色的地面,结合丰富的照明,家宛如清澈透明的水晶宫。 白色充分渲染了家的洁净和纯粹,同样带给人无限的遐想,给人梦幻般宁静的感觉``````体现的是一种纯粹的神美,更是一种生活态度,一种品味。
The color of white reflects purity and neatness of your home, and it also brings endless imagination to us, and a peaceful and magical feeling… The whole design not only reflects a good taste, but also reflects the owner’s attitude toward life.
卧室中嵌入式衣柜起到隔墙作用,同时又增大空间。柜门是用白色焗油玻璃制成,无边框,到顶到地,打开是门,关上了又是一面光滑的墙体,并且内部设有灯,给人一种晶莹剔透的感觉。 化零为整的天花设计,结合带状照明,白天看不见灯形,夜晚则因灯光变幻呈现出柔和、层次丰富的光影效果,营造出极富内涵的灵性空间。 枫木地板 ,给家凭添一份温情,富有自然气息。为家人精心挑选的家具,是一道道亮丽的景致。
The built-in bureau in the bedroom serves as a wall and also enlarges the space. The door of the bureau is made of white glass and it is frameless so when it is open it looks like a smooth wall. And the light inside gives a translucent feeling. The monolithic construction of the ceiling design is c